Irish patent firm files infringement lawsuit against Nintendo & more… Keep up with what has been happening this week in our latest IP news round-up…

Irish patent firm files infringement lawsuit against Nintendo

Dublin-based patents company Solas OLED, which won an $80 million (€71 million) intellectual property battle with Samsung earlier this year, has filed a lawsuit against Nintendo.

Federal Circuit Reverses Judge Stark Decision, Finds Computer Network Patent Eligible

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit concluded that a representative claim was directed to a patent-eligible improvement to computer functionality, and therefore reversed a decision authored by Judge Leonard P. Stark as a sitting judge in the US District Court for the District of Delaware.

Intellectual Property of AI Composer to be Sold on NFT Market

An affiliated company of Hancom With is set to sign a contract with an artificial intelligence composer and to issue its intellectual property on the non-fungible token (NFT) market this month.

LexisNexis Launches Sustainable Innovation & more...

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