Intellectual Property Rights in the U.S.-China Innovation Competition & more…Keep up with what has been happening this week in our latest IP news round-up…

US intellectual property considerations for Canadian companies

In today’s digital landscape, every company is a technology company, no matter what product or service it offers. Companies that learn to integrate, develop and protect technology have a significant competitive advantage and tend to lead the market.

Checking trade mark addresses and reporting misconduct of agents

The IPO have increased the checks on addresses provided in trade mark applications and introduced a process for reporting misconduct by unregulated agents.

Catalsys: Powering Sustainable Infrastructure with IP Protection

As part of our World IP Day series, AA Thornton explore Catalsys’ vision with two of its founders Kevin Fothergill and Peter Gray.

Professor Caroline Ncube: “Intellectual Property norms in the Polycrisis – (Still) Omnipresent, Distracting, Irrelevant?” The Professor Bill Cornish Memorial Lecture 2024

On 7 May 2024, Professor Caroline Ncube, the DST/NRF SARChI Research Chair of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development at the University of Cape Town, delivered the second annual LSE Bill Cornish Memorial Lecture

Intellectual Property Rights in the U.S.-China Innovation Competition

The United States is engaged in a competition for technology and innovation leadership with China, with both nations making significant investments in their domestic innovation systems while seeking to undermine the other’s innovation system.

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