• Name: Jessica Pike
  • Job Title: Trainee Patent Attorney
  • Location: Brighton
  • University: Durham
  • Degree: MChem Masters in Chemistry

Explain why you decided to pursue a career in this profession

I joined Dehns in 2021 after completing my studies in Chemistry and Medical Imaging. Whilst I loved studying for my Chemistry degree and working towards my PhD, after almost five years of working in the lab I knew that a career in research was not for me!

Even before going to university, I was always extremely interested in studying law (I even considered doing a law conversion!), but chemistry was my passion and I always thought that I would have to choose between the two. During my studies, I came across the role of a patent attorney through various different projects in my department which had resulted in patented inventions. Through some work experience and my own research into the profession, I found that a career in patents involved a unique combination of both science and law, which was exactly what I had been looking for.

I took part in the Summer Scheme at Dehns, which not only cemented my desire to join the profession, but also confirmed that Dehns was the firm that I wanted to work for.

Give a bit of background on the training you have completed

At Dehns, trainees are involved in case work from day one. This ‘on the job’ training is invaluable, helping you to learn the law and smoothly transition from an entirely scientific academic career. This transition may seem particularly daunting as a new trainee, but it is reassuring to know that you will be supported every step of the way at Dehns.

Explain what your current role involves

Dehns has a wide range of clients, which means that you will likely work on a wide range of different inventions in different chemical fields. A typical day at work may involve reviewing a letter from the Patent Office which sets out some objections against a patent application and liasing with the client to develop a strategy to overcome such objections. Work may also involve drafting a patent application for a new invention and attending Hearings at the EPO.

Outside of work, there are a wide range of ways that you can get involved in life at Dehns, from organising events as a member of the Charities Committee to playing beach volleyball in the summer. Dehns is a very approachable firm with a sociable group of trainees, and has an exceptionally high standard of training to guide you through your career.

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