• Name: Lauren Richardson
  • Job Title: Trade mark Attorney
  • Location: Leeds
  • University: Nottingham Trent
  • Degree: Professional Certificate Trade Mark Practice, Law

The path to my career is a little unconventional. Having started as an Office Junior in an IP practice, I found myself in a paralegal role in another firm wondering what my options my be. So, I undertook a law degree with the Open University, having children at the time meant it wasn’t really possible to pursue a degree via the normal route and so it took me 5 long years to complete my degree, whilst working full time and raising a family. Within a paralegal role at my current firm, HGF, in 2018 I was given the opportunity to progress to a qualified Trade Mark Attorney and so began my journey completing both of the required courses at Queen Mary University of London and Nottingham Trent University, qualifying in 2022.

I am now working on building my own practice within HGF through various endeavours and expanding my network. I really enjoy this aspect of the role as it provides an opportunity to meet new people and have interesting and enlightening conversations around an array of different topics! I’m also working on managing existing client portfolios which consist of both small startups and multinational companies with worldwide portfolios. I enjoy working with both types of clients – it’s a great feeling knowing your helping the smaller businesses obtain protection for their brands, but equally it’s great to work with the bigger household brands as you can see your work in play in every day life!

My plan for the future is to keep building on my network, doing great work for my clients and continuing to grow as a both an individual and an attorney. The best thing about working in IP is the vast array of different issues that you come across. I’ve been in industry for over 20 years now and still come across particular issues that I’ve not experienced yet – certainly keeps you on your toes!

My advice to anybody considering a career in IP is do it! It’s both challenging and rewarding, and the pay is good too!

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