Patent & Trade Mark Salary Survey 2025
During the past 12 months, demand has remained high in IP recruitment for good candidates across the profession and the market has remained competitive. Salaries continue to stay in the spotlight with employees paying particular attention to not only their basic salary but bonuses and an increasing range of ‘softer benefits’ too. We are still seeing significant salary discrepancies across the market as well as in the way in which employee pay is structured but hope that the following document will help to make some sense of this.
Whilst we recognise that basic salaries will always be of interest, it is very rarely the only factor considered. The additional information following the salary tables is designed to give an insight into working conditions across the IP sector, as well as reflecting on points of interest raised by clients and candidates alike. We are again delighted to have been able to include an in-house / industry salary table as we have continued to see a significant increase in movement within this sector.
Candidates remain keen to look at both job offers and their current package in its entirety, taking into account more than basic salary alone. We are seeing bonuses, earning potential and, increasingly, flexibility and work-life balance being important factors for a candidate to consider. We expect this thought process to continue now that hybrid working policies are commonplace and well-established. Nevertheless, remuneration remains an important factor in both attracting and retaining the best quality people.
As you will see from the salary figures, the bandings are quite wide and there are a number of factors that impact on where an IP professional could fall within the banding.